The characteristic of scabies, a neglected tropical disease: A literature review

Ratri Agidiana Perbawani 1, *, Linda Astari 2, Leny Kartina 3 and Yuri Widia 2

1 Medical Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia.
2 Département of Dermatology Venereology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Dr. Soetomo Academic General Hospital Surabaya, Indonesia.
3 Département of Pediatric, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Dr. Soetomo Academic General Hospital Surabaya, Indonesia.
Review Article
Magna Scientia Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 12(02), 337-342
Article DOI: 10.30574/msarr.2024.12.2.0210
Publication history: 
Received on 10 October 2024; revised on 14 December 2024; accepted on 17 December 2024
Scabies is a parasitic infestation of the skin caused by Sarcoptes scabiei. Scabies is a common public health problem that occurs globally, affecting approximately 130 million individual. Despite the high prevalence of scabies, scabies is categorized into one of the Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) by World Health Organization (WHO). Scabies can cause relentless itching and specific lesions, but there is also an atypical findings that can be found depending in each individuals patient. Although scabies is not fatal or life-threatening, it can be severe and persistent, and if not treat properly leading to secondary skin infections and also becomes contagious. Literature reviews on the characteristics of scabies are still very limited. Therefore, researchers are interested in conducting research about the characteristics of scabies patients.
Scabies; Characteristic; Diagnosis; Classification
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