Treatment of patients in the health care system and achievement of quality services
1 Department for physical medicine and rehabilitation, Public Health Center Zivinice, Zip code 75270, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2 Hemodialysis Center, Public Health Center Zivinice, Zip code 75270, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
3 Emergency Medical Care, Sarajevo, Zip code 71000, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
4 Department of dentistry, Public Health Center Zivinice, Zip code 75270, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Research Article
Magna Scientia Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 08(01), 053–060
Article DOI: 10.30574/msarr.2023.8.1.0069
Publication history:
Received on 06 April 2023; revised on 15 May 2023; accepted on 18 May 2023
The health system is a normatively accepted position of the social community and the state in the area of protection and improvement of the health of the population, whereby all the factors that realize it work in an organized and constantly developing manner in terms of mutual division of labor, as integral parts of the general social system. It is a process that aims to achieve efficiency in the process of working with patients, in order to achieve their satisfaction. The main purpose of the research is to investigate, determine the direction in relation to patient satisfaction with the provided/received medical care/service, i.e. the quality of interaction, taking into account: medical staff, their attitude towards patients and the environment in the health facility. The responsibility for providing sufficient quality and quantity of health care rests with health care professionals including doctors, nurses/technicians, management, non-medical staff, but also health care users. Institutions must meet the demands of medical workers, but there must also be the will of the administration so that medical workers fulfill their obligations. 200 users of medical services in three Public Health Institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina participated in the survey of patient satisfaction with the quality and safety of medical services. A total of 200 examined patients filled out the questionnaire. In our work, 54.17% of patients of both sexes are satisfied with providing advice and a good way of treatment.
Patient; Health System; Satisfaction; Success
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