Impact of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) on Retail
University of Edinburgh MA Social Policy and Economics, United Kingdom.
Review Article
Magna Scientia Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 12(01), 295-307
Article DOI: 10.30574/msarr.2024.12.1.0165
Publication history:
Received on 28 August 2024; revised on 13 October 2024; accepted on 15 October 2024
This research explores the prospective change that Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) bring to the retail business, including sales interactions, individualization, sales results, and managerial analytics. AR augment physical space with digital content and VR involves the complete creation of a virtual world reminiscent of the physical shopping environment. These technologies mediate the gap between conventional physical store and e-store, providing distinctive solutions like augmented reality fitting and real-life assistant interfaces. As this study is based on a quantitative, cross-sectional survey research design, data is collected by means of self-administered online questionnaires in order to capture consumers’ attitude and behaviour concerning AR and VR. The result shows how these technologies enhance customer interactions, improved customer satisfaction, better sales as well as trying to minimize returns. Furthermore, the combination of AR and VR facilitate the creation of new competitive advantages for retailers such that unique shopping experiences can be provided. It also helps in practicing sustainable business by avoiding the compulsion for physical stock and lowering the logistic expenses. This research gives practical recommendations about applications and further perspective of AR and VR use in the retail business, which can contribute to its transformation based on these technologies. Ultimately, this research underscores the pivotal role of AR and VR in shaping the future of retail, driving innovation, and fostering stronger connections between brands and consumers. effectively utilize Artificial Intelligence while ensuring they remain competitive in the global marketing landscape.
Augmented Reality (AR); Virtual Reality (VR); Retail Innovation; Customer Engagement; Personalization; Data-Driven Insights
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