Evaluation of the impact of technology on the students in the new education setting

Dann Mark Nisperos Dela Cruz *

College of Tourism and Hospitality Management, President Ramon Magsaysay State University, Iba, Zambales, Philippines.
Research Article
Magna Scientia Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 07(02), 068–075
Article DOI: 10.30574/msarr.2023.7.2.0047
Publication history: 
Received on 28 February 2023; revised on 09 April 2023; accepted on 12 April 2023
This study focused on the impact of technology on the student’s academic performance in terms of personal, emotional, and financial in the new education setting. One hundred (100) respondents were composed of Hospitality Management Students of President Ramon Magsaysay State University Iba Campus.
The study utilized the quantitative approach and the descriptive-survey research methodology. Survey research means collecting information about a group of people by asking them questions and analyzing the results.
Based on the summary of the investigations conducted, the researchers have concluded that the majority of the respondents were females, young adults, and had a family monthly income of 20,000 and below. The respondents “Strongly Agree” on the personal, emotional, and financial on evaluation of the respondents on impact of technology on academic performance. And perceived no significant difference on the evaluation of the respondents on the impact of technology on academic performance in terms of personal, emotional, and financial.
It is highly recommended that the institution considers strengthening students' personal and emotional aspects in this new normal setting of education while considering financial capability. And a friendly application operating system should be used for easy access of the students that can lessen their personal and emotional stress.
Hospitality; Students; Impact; Technology; Education
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