Effective credit risk mitigation strategies: Solutions for reducing exposure in financial institutions
1 TradeDepot Lagos, Nigeria.
2 Independent Researcher, UK.
3 Communications Software (Airline Systems) limited a member of Aspire Software Inc, UK.
Review Article
Magna Scientia Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 11(01), 198–211
Article DOI: 10.30574/msarr.2024.11.1.0084
Publication history:
Received on 11 April 2024; revised on 21 May 2024; accepted on 24 May 2024
Credit risk remains a critical concern for financial institutions, especially in the context of economic uncertainties and volatile market conditions. This paper examines the importance of credit risk mitigation strategies and presents solutions for reducing exposure in financial institutions. The research focuses on various strategies employed by banks and other financial institutions to manage credit risk effectively. The paper begins with an overview of credit risk and its significance in the banking industry. It discusses the various types of credit risk faced by financial institutions, including default risk, concentration risk, and systemic risk. The paper then highlights the importance of credit risk mitigation strategies in reducing the impact of these risks on financial institutions' balance sheets and profitability. Next, the paper explores different credit risk mitigation strategies used by financial institutions. These strategies include diversification of credit portfolios, collateralization of loans, credit derivatives, and credit insurance. The paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of each strategy and provides examples of how these strategies have been implemented successfully in the banking industry. Furthermore, the paper examines the role of regulatory authorities in overseeing credit risk management practices in financial institutions. It discusses the regulatory framework for credit risk management and highlights the importance of compliance with regulatory requirements in mitigating credit risk. Finally, the paper concludes with a discussion on the future of credit risk mitigation strategies in financial institutions. It emphasizes the need for continuous innovation and adaptation to new market conditions and regulatory requirements. The paper also stresses the importance of integrating credit risk management into overall risk management frameworks to ensure a comprehensive and effective approach to managing risk in financial institutions. Overall, this paper provides valuable insights into the importance of credit risk mitigation strategies in financial institutions and offers practical solutions for reducing exposure to credit risk. It serves as a useful resource for financial professionals, regulators, and policymakers seeking to enhance their understanding of credit risk management practices in the banking industry.
Financial Institutions; Mitigation Strategies; Effective Credit Risk; Reducing Exposure; Solutions
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