Effect of water consumption over the immune system response given during Covid-19

İsmail Özkaya * and Melike Yıldız

Kırklaerli Üniversity Health school Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Kırklareli Turkey.
Review Article
Magna Scientia Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 02(01), 040–044
Article DOI: 10.30574/msarr.2021.2.1.0037
Publication history: 
Received on 28 March 2021; revised on 05 May 2021; accepted on 08 May 2021
Immune system, is the reactions initiated by the body to detect components, called antigens, with a different structure from its own genetic and to destroy those components. To have a strong and healthy immune system, a healthy diet is needed. Immune system also needs water to work properly and effectively.
When the contents of diet suggestions published are observed during the COVID-19 pandemia FAO (2020) informs that regular plenty of water consumption will help our immune system.
Water is also very important for hygiene in the context of the spread and control of COVID-19.
Adequate water supply must be provided for meeting the basic water need, prevention from diseases, successful disease treatment during the illness and general health. Clean water usage, access to clean and adequate water are one of the most significant steps in the world in improving child-adult health
Immune system; water; covid-19; infections; nutrition; dehydration
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