Antimicrobial activity of a methanolic extract of Kalanchoe daigremontiana Raym. -Hamet and H. Perrier against Salmonella typhi ATCC 6589
Department of Botany. National School of Biological Sciences. National Polytechnic Institute. Manuel Carpio s / n, Casco de Santo Tomas. Mexico City. C.P. 11430. Mexico.
Review Article
Magna Scientia Advanced Research and Reviews, 2025, 13(01), 085-088
Article DOI: 10.30574/msarr.2025.13.1.0016
Publication history:
Received on 30 November 2024; revised on 06 January 2025; accepted on 08 January 2025
The increase in the resistance of bacteria to antibiotics represents a priority problem to be addressed for humanity because it causes infectious diseases to become increasingly difficult or impossible to treat, which could lead to a reduction in the hope and quality of life. For this reason, medicinal plants have become a great alternative in the treatment of infections and in reducing bacterial resistance, this through the search for new compounds present in various plant species. Kalanchoe daigremontiana is a species of plant from the Crassulaceae family, native to Madagascar. Various studies have shown that this plant has a potential antimicrobial effect against strains of medical importance. The objective of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial effect of a methanolic extract of Kalanchoe daigremontiana against a registered strain of Salmonella typhi. A methanolic extract was obtained with a concentration of 1.5 g/mL. The extract had a notable effect against Salmonella typhi ATCC 6589 with an inhibition percentage of 41.7% for the concentration used, so it is considered that the Kalanchoe daigremontiana extract has the potential to be used as an antibiotic.
Antimicrobial; Plant extracts; Salmonella; Kalanchoe
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