Addressing behavioral biases in financial decision-making: Effective risk management tools for banking institutions
1 Independent Researcher, UK.
2 Independent Researcher, Port Harcourt Nigeria.
3 Newcross Exploration and Production Limited, Nigeria.
4 Independent Researcher, Lagos, Nigeria.
5 Independent Researcher, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Review Article
Magna Scientia Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 05(01), 069-075
Article DOI: 10.30574/msarr.2022.5.1.0039
Publication history:
Received on 05 April 2022; revised on 15 May 2022; accepted on 18 May 2022
Behavioral biases significantly influence financial decision-making, often leading to suboptimal outcomes that challenge the stability and efficiency of banking institutions. This paper examines the impact of common biases, such as overconfidence, loss aversion, and herd behavior, on financial decisions and explores their implications for risk management frameworks. Traditional tools, while effective for quantifiable risks, often fail to address the psychological dimensions of decision-making. The study highlights the potential of behavioral insights to enhance risk management practices and the role of technological innovations, including artificial intelligence and decision-support systems, in mitigating biases. Additionally, integrating technology-driven training programs and promoting diversity in decision-making are discussed as practical strategies to improve judgment and reduce errors. The paper concludes with actionable recommendations for banks to address these challenges, emphasizing the importance of proactive, adaptive, and inclusive approaches to foster resilience and competitiveness in the financial sector.
Behavioral Biases; Financial Decision-Making; Risk Management; Artificial Intelligence; Banking Institutions
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