Accessibility barriers of wheelchair users in public spaces

Tri Budi Santoso *

Department of Occupational Therapy, Surakarta Health Polytechnic of Ministry of   Health, Surakarta, Indonesia.
Research Article
Magna Scientia Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 08(01), 092–101
Article DOI: 10.30574/msarr.2023.8.1.0077
Publication history: 
Received on 19 April 2023; revised on 30 May 2023; accepted on 02 June 2023
Background: Wheelchair users encounter many barriers when traveling in public spaces. This research aims to explore the experiences wheelchair users have when facing physical and non-physical barriers in public areas.
Methods: This study used qualitative research methods. Data were collected through observation and semi-structured in-depth interviews with six wheelchair users using purposive sampling. First, the data were analyzed using thematic analysis, and then the trustworthiness of the data was checked using triangulation of data sources and member checking.
Results: Three themes were found. The first theme: accessibility barriers, includes two subthemes:
  • Physical barriers;
  • Non-physical barriers.
The second theme: accessibility barrier strategies, consists of two subthemes:
  • Physical barrier strategies;
  • Non-physical barrier strategies.
The third theme: the ability level of wheelchair users, consists of two subthemes:
  • Level of independence;
  • Level of incapacity.
In this study, wheelchair users face accessibility when accessing public spaces. The emergence of barriers makes wheelchair users create strategies to deal with them to make public spaces more accessible for wheelchair users.
Wheelchair users; Accessibility barriers; Public spaces; Accessibility strategies
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