Phenotypic Diversity of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) from Benue River and a Tributary in North East Nigeria.

Mamndeyati Ndekimbe Uruku 1, *, Innocent Agbo Adikwu 2, Oyediran Olusegun Oyebola 3, and Timothy E. Uchendu 3

1Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Federal University Wukari P.M.B 1020, Taraba State. Nigeria.
2Department of Biological Sciences. Benue State University. P.M.B 102119 Makurdi, Nigeria.
3Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries Management, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
Research Article
Magna Scientia Advanced Biology and Pharmacy, 2021, 02(01), 009-018
Article DOI: 10.30574/msabp.2021.2.1.0009
Publication history: 
Received on 03 February 2021; revised on 09 March 2021; accepted on 11 March 2021
Phenotypic Variability of Sampled Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) Population were assessed. 30 matured samples of Clarias gariepinus of different sizes were bought from artisanal fisherfolks using various fishing gears, morphometric and meristic attributes and other adaptive traits were characterized. Phenotypic heterogeneity (Coefficient of Variability > 10%) and multiple modes in Meristic and morphometric Values were assessed to imply plasticity and taxonomic complications respectively. Twenty morphometric and nine meristic attributes were measured in all the collected individuals and measured to the nearest 0.01cm, using Vernier calipers. The mean value of meristic attributes varied from 6.20±0.93 in PELFR-R to 71.40±5.64 in DFR. Coefficient of variability of the population varied from 7.89 in DFR to 54.02 in PESES-L. Heterogeneity occurred in 77.8% of meristic attributes except DFR and CFR. Multiple modal was recorded in PESES-L, while the mean value of the morphometric attributes varied from 5.20±0.82 in OPD to 64.52±5.00 in DFL. Coefficient of variability of the population varied from 7.76 in DFL to 18.07 in CFW. Heterogeneity occurred in 82.4% of morphometric attributes. Five components accounted for 78.65% of the total variation using Principal Component Analysis on morphometric attributes. Two of the extracted components had CV > 10 (41.70%, and 15.02%). However, the scree plot shows the slope of the variation to favors the five component with Eigenvalue greater than one. The studied C. gariepinus population was characterized by heterogeneity of phenotypic values and the population can be taxonomically discriminated by meristic and morpho types.
Phenotypic; Morphometric; Meristic Count; Variability and Heterogeneity
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