Genomic revolution in parasitology: Unlocking the mysteries of parasites
1 Science for Life Foundation, Bamenda, Cameroon.
2 Centre of Excellence for Promotion of Indigenous Knowledge and Wisdom, Claretian University of Nigeria, Nekede, Imo State, Nigeria.
3 Department of Medical Laboratory Science, Baptist School of Public Health, Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services.
4 Department of Medical Laboratory Science, Pinnacle University Institute, Bamenda, Cameroon.
Review Article
Magna Scientia Advanced Biology and Pharmacy, 2024, 13(01), 153–164
Article DOI: 10.30574/msabp.2024.13.1.0064
Publication history:
Received on 05 September 2024; revised on 17 October 2024; accepted on 19 October 2024
Whole-genome sequencing has revolutionized parasitology, offering insights into parasites' biology, evolution, and potential interventions. This discussion explores the profound impact of genomics on parasitology, from democratizing research to understanding parasites' intricacies and their relationships with hosts. High-throughput sequencing has made genomics accessible globally, allowing labs worldwide to study parasitic organisms. Whole-genome sequencing provides a comprehensive view of parasite genes and regulatory elements, facilitating in-depth biological investigations. It helps identify drug targets and reveals the genetic basis of drug resistance, which is vital for new antiparasitic drug development. Comparative genomics is a powerful tool for understanding the evolutionary relationships among parasites. Researchers create robust phylogenetic trees that clarify parasite evolution by comparing genomic data. Case studies of malaria parasites, trypanosomes, schistosomes, and Leishmania species illustrate the insights gained. Genomics also sheds light on parasite life cycles, uncovering gene expression, regulatory networks, key proteins, and molecular markers. This informs our understanding of host-specific adaptations. Practical applications encompass drug target discovery, vaccine development, diagnostics, intervention strategies, understanding drug resistance, and disease eradication efforts. In conclusion, genomics is transforming parasitology, especially whole-genome sequencing and comparative genomics. It offers a holistic view of parasites and their evolution, paving the way for innovative antiparasitic strategies and contributing to the control and potential eradication of parasitic diseases.
Genomics; Parasitology; Whole-genome Sequencing; Evolution; Drug Discovery
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