Offspring of the divorce's victim

Basem Abbas Al Ubaidi *

Consultant Family Physician, Ministry of Health, Assistant professor at Arabian Gulf University (AGU), Kingdom of Bahrain.
Review Article
Magna Scientia Advanced Biology and Pharmacy, 2021, 02(02), 001–005
Article DOI: 10.30574/msabp.2021.2.2.0018
Publication history: 
Received on 25 March 2021; revised on 03 May 2021; accepted on 06 May 2021​
Children of divorce may suffer from emotional, academic, and social problems. Children of divorce need primary and social worker's attention. Children of divorce may have many social, emotional scars, which easily bleeds due to the unhealthy healing process.
Children of the divorce; Parental divorce; Couple divorce; Parental separation; Child stress; Child maladjustment.
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