A study of nutraceutical prescription pattern among patients in an out-patient setting at Birat medical college teaching Hospital
1 Department of Pharmacy, School of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences, Manmohan Technical University, Budiganga-4, Morang, Nepal.
2 Birat Medical College Pharmacy, Birat Medical College Teaching Hospital, Tankisinwari-2, Morang, Nepal.
Research Article
Magna Scientia Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 10(01), 330–340
Article DOI: 10.30574/msarr.2024.10.1.0034
Publication history:
Received on 01 January 2024; revised on 18 February 2024; accepted on 21 February 2024
The demand for nutraceutical has been increasingly rapidly which can be due to increasing awareness regarding health benefit of nutraceutical product. This study aims to understand the prescription pattern and find out knowledge, attitude of patients regarding nutraceutical product.
A cross-sectional study was conducted at Birat Medical College Teaching Hospital, Budiganga, Nepal to assess the demographic characteristic as well as level of knowledge and attitude towards nutraceutical product and further total cost patients spent on nutraceutical alone was also assessed. Pearson Chi-square test (x2) was used to investigate the association between demographic variables and patients’ knowledge and attitude towards nutraceuticals. One-way ANOVA was performed to compare the cost of nutraceutical among the different outpatient departments. Nearly half of the patients (49.25%) had inadequate knowledge whereas more than half of the patients (67.75%) had moderate positive attitude. The mostly prescribed nutraceuticals were minerals (45%) followed by multivitamins (23%). More than two-third patient believed nutraceutical can be used when person feel tired and rundown. The average amount that a patient spent on nutraceutical product was found out to be NPR. 746.88 per prescription. No significant association was found in the cost of nutraceutical among the various Out Patient Department (OPD) wise. (P=0.281, P>0.05). Moderate positive attitude and inadequate knowledge regarding nutraceutical product among the patient's addresses the need to develop regulation, educational strategy regarding nutraceutical use and further increase general public awareness on rational use of these products.
Attitude; Knowledge; Nutraceutical; Prescription pattern
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