Analysis of emergency hysterectomies at Zinder mother and child health center (CSME)
1 Zinder Mother and Child Health Center, Gynecology-Obsterics, André Salifou University, Zinder.
2 Zinder Mother and Child Health Center, Zinder.
3 Faculty of Health Sciences André Salifou University, Zinder.
4 Faculty of Health Sciences, University of N’djamena.
5 Faculty of Health Sciences, Abdou Moumouni University, Niamey.
Research Article
Magna Scientia Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 07(01), 025–029
Article DOI: 10.30574/msarr.2023.7.1.0020
Publication history:
Received on 17 December 2022; revised on 01 February 2023; accepted on 03 February 2023
Introduction: Emergency obstetric hysterectomy is a life-saving surgery performed as a last resort in the face of a serious accident during parturition. The objective is to describe the risk factors, the indications, the types of hysterectomy performed and their complications encountered.
Patients and methods: To achieve our objectives, we carried out a retrospective study from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2018. Were included, patients who underwent a hysterectomy of obstetric origin at the CSME of Zinder. Results the study focused on 100 cases of obstetric hysterectomy recorded out of 10,124 deliveries, i.e. a frequency of 0.98%. The age of our patients varied between 16 years for the youngest and 45 for the oldest with an average of 30.5 years. They were uneducated in 84% of cases, mostly multiparous 72%, 71% of whom lived in rural areas. Pregnancy was not continued in 81%. The main indications were uterine rupture, uterine atony and PRH in 68%, 16% and 14% respectively. The hysterectomy was total in 41% and subtotal in 59%. Maternal morbidity was dominated by anemia with 84.2%. Perinatal and maternal mortality were respectively 76.69% and 9%.
Conclusion: Obstetric hysterectomy is frequent at the CSME of Zinder, all ages were concerned, and they were mostly multiparous, with the deadliest obstetric complications. Maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality were very high.
Obstetric hysterectomy; CSME; Zinder Niger; Hysterectomies
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